I know--it's a little silly to blog about this. But I'm just so happy :)
For awhile now, Ashley tells me she has to go potty. But it's usually copying what Hailey does. If Hailey comes to me and is jumping around and holding herself--Ashley will do that, too. So, I figured it was a little too early for that and Ashley just wants to copy Hailey. Well, whenever bath time comes--Ashley says she needs to go (right after Hailey says SHE needs to go). So I sit Ashley on the toilet and she'd sit there for like a half second and say: "I'm done!" And, of course, nothing to show for it. But no skin off my back--I was taking the diaper and clothes off for bath time anyway.
When is it a good time to potty train? For Tyler, he wasn't having it till he was three. We tried and tried. Hailey was a little over 2 1/2. My mom says girls are always faster? But Ashley just turned two like two weeks ago--I guess it's been a month...and if she's ready... I always just kind of scoffed at people who said their kids were potty trained but they still had "accidents" nineteen times a day and they were like 1 year old. Or those people (no offense if you are one) that "potty-train" since BIRTH and every time the kid eats (drinks) they sit them on a bucket. I know people who do this (no one that frequents this blog, though). I'm just saying, I'm under the impression that kids have to develop those muscles down there and it just doesn't happen until about 2-3.
Anyway, a couple days ago Ashley tells me she needs to go and when I sit her on the toilet, she says: "Go away mom" and pushes on my leg to leave. Whatever, I think, as I go help the other kids with their clothes for bathtime. And as I gather the dirty clothes from them and their laundry basket--I hear a tinkle in the toilet! So I do the "pee-pee dance" for her, and tell her how proud I am of her, what a BIG GIRL, etc. etc. But I still think this is a coincidence. She probably didn't need to go, but was sitting there long enough and happened to go.
But the next couple of days, she keeps telling me she wants to go potty. It's usually at an inopportune time--like when we're in the van driving somewhere. So I think nothing of it. Then yesterday when she told me at home she needed to go--I put her on the toilet and she went again! YEAH!
Today, she even pooped on the toilet. What in the world? That was the last thing my other two would do. They would be all potty-trained and I would have to coax them to poop on the toilet. Not Ashley. I was so proud and happy. Could this mean I have like four months of diaper free children? Crazy. We've had diapers since April 2003. I should've taken some pictures. Sorry about the "no visuals"--use your imagination :)
8 hours ago
You are officially the luckiest mom in the world. A self-trained potty user. Congratulations!
I think all kids do it when they are ready. Syd did it on her own at 19 months. I think when they want to they will no matter what. Stockton on the other hand wanted to take his sweet time, and he still wears a pull up at night. Consider yourself very lucky to not have to buy diapers for a couple months. Now take that money and buy yourself a treat you deserve it.
Tender mercies dude. I am so proud of Ashley what a cool girl! Four months of no diapers, think of the possibilities!
I am so proud of trevor and mike for paying for golf, now we just need them to bring us home a present, ya right!
OH I hope I hope that everything continues to go well, and enjoy the diaper break!
I'm dying to see the "pee pee" dance... ;)
Hooray for potty trained kiddos! Just think what you can buy with those extra diaper dollars! Well, until December, right?! ;)
I definately think you do need to record and post the pee pee dance. For the benefit of us first time potty trainers of course. :)
That is so awesome for you and Ashley. Perfect timing!!! No more diapers (at least for a couple of months). Now you get to visit every bathroom in Lawton.. It takes the joy right out of it, doesn't it??
Congrats to you and Ashley!!! That is so exciting. I have one favor to ask of you... Could you post a video of the pee-pee dance for me? I am a first timer :) Hope all is well for you!! Your kids are adorable!
What's the pee-pee dance..can you film that and put it on your blog? I would love to see it..I think I can picture it in my head.
I am happy to hear the third child was easier than the first two, maybe that means our third will do it willingly and easily? We'll see, but it won't be for a while.
I know it sounds weird but it is a magical day when you child poops on the toilet! Nathan is 3 1/2 when he was finally interested in potty training but it has been so nice because he has had very few accidents (knock-on-wood). But it was less stressful for me to just wait until he told me he was ready. So congratulations!!
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