Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I know, wouldn't that title have been cooler if it were a 10K? Or even better: Marathon? But no, this is not the case. I've never ran in a race before (I mean post high school) So I figured it was high time. There was a race to benefit children (honestly, I should have looked more into it so I could say that's why I did it. All I know is that it was a children's foundation...) and I decided I would give it a whirl.

Now, mind you--I haven't been jogging a whole lot recently so I decided to start out with a 5K and see how that went before trying other things. I know, I know--there are some marathoners that frequent my blog so I'm a little trepidatious about posting this. But it was fun none the less. Plus, I came in fourth in my age group (ages 23-32. That means they're ALL younger than me :) ) And there were way more than four in that group. So I feel like I've achieved something. Here are some pictures...

And you must know by now how much I hate posting pictures of myself. So this is a big step for me.


Emily J. said...

You look amazing! Way to go!

Sandy Brunson said...

Congrats. I don't run marathons (or anything recently) but I have never placed in any of the races I've run. So good for you!

EmmaLee Robinson said...

That is awesome. Great job!

mags said...

yay kim! you look awesome!

Lisa said...

Very cool! It's inspiring me to lay off the Twizzlers and get moving again.

Tera said...

You look terrific. Good work!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Doesn't it feel great to compete?! And then to place - nice job!