Tuesday, June 9, 2009

BOOO for Broken Legs!!

Ugh. I promise I'm not a bad mother. Hailey was jumping on a trampoline...I don't even really know how it happened--she fell, but not off the trampoline, and no one jumped on her, so who knows. But it's broken now, and she has to wear this for 4 weeks. At least it wasn't the two months Tyler had to wear his. 4 weeks doesn't sound so bad except that she's already complaining that it itches. It might be a long 4 weeks.

So, here's a picture. I know--it's the coolest dinosaur cast ever. Plus, they said she could swim in it if she wants because it has a gortex lining. Cool, huh? Except they said it might start to stink so they wouldn't be doing any swimming until she's ready to get it off :) She also got some stickers at the doctors office...as you can see.

Also, as promised I will post more about our move, town, etc. in a bit. We have more adventures than broken legs.


mags said...

ahhh. darn it. your family picture is awesome! can't wait to see your mt pics!

tootallstrupp said...

Oh my goodness, I am so sorry! Poor girl! You tell her that aunt Briana loves her cast and wishes she had one just like it. :) I miss you guys!

b + j = calculus said...

bummer! but she is the cutest girl with a broken leg ever! we miss you guys!

Lisa said...

My next door neighbor is an orthopedic surgeon and he says trampolines are the worst for broken bones - says it's the double bounce that gets a lot of kids. Anyway, I noticed that it does not discourage him from putting his own kid out on our tramp. So sorry for Hailey! Get better quick.

grammie kim said...

Treavor said she broke her leg, so sad. Hope all is well with livingston, how are you liking it? When I said interesting, i mean some serious tree huggers. But there isn't anything wrong with that. I think trevor will have to get some cut off shorts, and roll them up and wear hiking boots with them if he wants to fit in. Hope the practice goes well. THANKS trevor for coming to my rescue, I don't know how I will ever thank you enough. And thanks for being worthy to help us out. I hope next time I come its better fun, and I can come see ya there.

Anonymous said...


Natalie said...

What a bummer!! Summer is the worst time to have a cast on your leg. That's cool she can swim in it. I wonder if cholorhexadine would help kill the smell?? It seems to kill everything else..HA HA! I didn't know you were in Montana now. What city?

The Smiths said...

Poor girl. I think it's worse when your kids are relatively healthy and restricted by casts than if they had a fever and were mellow.