My little boy is growing up. It's a little sad to see them go off to school for the first full day of school. I'm always worried about what words he's learning on the bus (or any new anatomical terms he has not yet heard). I always worry about the kids at school and whether they'll want to be his friend and play with him--he tends to be a little shy at first. I DID worry about his teacher (after a less than stellar teacher last year), but after meeting this year's teacher I think she's the best thing since sliced bread. So I worry a little less. Here's a picture of Tyler before school.
I didn't even cry.
He told me his first day of school was good, but he didn't make any friends. I then proceeded to assure him that it would be like last year where he didn't know the boys and girls at first, but pretty soon he would get to know them and become friends. Then I asked him about recess and he told me all about some of the kids he played with and the people he sat by at lunch. I asked him if these people were his friends and he said they weren't because he didn't know their names. Funny kid.
After all is said and done, I hope I've taught him well enough about right and wrong. I hope he's got it through his head he should not talk or go with a stranger. I hope I've taught him the things he shouldn't be doing, even if his friends want him too. And I hope I've taught him to be who he is no matter what. I know, a little sappy.
1 week ago