Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Little Bathroom Comedy

This happened a couple months ago, but when I think about this story, it makes me smile. So I thought I'd share.

We were all at church and I was helping Ashley in the bathroom. There was a guy at church that needed to talk to me about something and when he saw Tyler he asked, "Where's your mom?"

Tyler answered, "She's in the bathroom wiping Ash." (You might have to read that part aloud to get the full affect:) )

It took him a second to realize what Tyler meant, but had a good laugh with us as he told us what happened.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Some Recent Pictures

With the summer beginning and Tyler out of school, we wanted to plan some fun things to do during the summer. It's been raining a lot here, though. So we haven't been able to do a whole lot. But here are some pictures of our recent adventures...

I can't believe my kids (except for Jason) actually got into the water. All three of the older kids got their swimsuits on and played in the water for a good 45 minutes. It must've been about 50 degrees outside and the water was probably about the same. Brr. Trevor ran the van the whole time so when they finally decided to get out of the water they could get in the warm van. They had a good time though and kept asking to go back in the water after we got them out and dressed. Crazy kids.

We've had plenty of time to play in the rain, that's for sure. And they've taken full advantage.

Don't know why this is flipped? Whatever. Trevor got some packages and the kids played in the packing peanuts for like 2 hours. I love it when they entertain themselves and play together for so long like this! Had to document it.

This was Hailey's preschool graduation. I can't believe she's going to kindergarten. She had a great year in preschool with a lot of really fun activities.

I'll try and remember the camera when we go places. Trevor's really good about bringing it along, but if I pack...not so much. We (me and the kids, Trevor had to work) took a trip to my mom's not that long ago and did all sorts of fun things. We went to the zoo and visited Aunt Amanda and Uncle Brett and Grandma and Grandpa. But no pictures to show for it...maybe Amanda will send me some? :)